Guest: Tammy Rief, a warrior for justice

Jonah, a five year old little boy who on November 5th, 2012 was ripped away from his mother illegally and unlawfully, has become the center of a massive International federal legal case incriminating top government officials – in the US and internationally. I won’t call these people leaders as they are criminals who have “broken the law to enforce the law” when it comes to Jonah’s case – and sadly Jonah is not the only one. Jonah is considered an HVA – a high valued asset which has become the core reason he was taken and why justice has not yet been served.

Tammy has been without her son for 2,920 days and spends every waking moment fighting for Jonah’s return. She is part of the federal underground protection program and her complex legal case fills a 27’ uhaul truck all the way to the top. The betrayal is staggering. Why take a child? Tammy is grateful Jonah is still alive as many children who are kidnapped as part of this ring are tortured and murdered. For what purpose are they keeping Jonah alive? You will be surprised to find out during this interview. You might find yourself as stunned as I was about what is truly behind the old adage “children should be seen, not heard”. Listen and be part of the team that liberates the darkness. Together, we can bring Jonah home.

Please share this three-part series to be part of bringing Jonah home. The more awareness there is the more the system cannot ignore it. #BringJonahHome #DivineJustice #GodWins

To learn more about Jonah’s case, check out these resources:
Jonah Missing Child Case

#childtrafficking #humantrafficking #KamalaHarris #JohnKerry #betrayal #Alabama #Georgia #NorthCarolina #AL #GA #NC #JonahReif #TammyReif #Obamagate #BidenBetrayal


Guest: Tammy Rief, a warrior for justice

Is it possible a deep vein of corruption has been operating around us hidden in plain sight? Can you consider that people have been strategically placed in local, state, and federal positions of power to manipulate and strong arm vulnerable members of society? My guest Tammy Rief brings clarity to those questions as she has been leading an epic international federal legal battle to bring her son home. For eight years she has been fighting to bring him back to America as he has been held internationally against his will – and subjected to ritual and sexual abuse. She has 16 teams across the globe who have joined her in this quest to bring Jonah home. His rights as a citizen of the US – and the rights of his mother -.have been horrifically trampled over and over again. The story is hard enough when you think about it from a mother’s perspective and yet the kidnapping is just the tip of the iceberg.

Tammy had to learn the sobering truth about her “bloodline” which unknowingly catapulted her son Jonah into an international child trafficking ring led by a group of thirteen families with evil intent. Their quest to create pure “bloodlines” has become a century long cover for deviant, illegal, and unconstitutional behavior that has laid the framework for black market adoptions supported by members of the US government and abroad. Whether you call this group the Deep State, Cab-al, or Ill-um-naughty is irrelevant. This interview offers an inside look into the betrayal that Tammy has experienced – a chilling betrayal that could be waiting for our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews.

Please join me in bringing light to the darkness. Together, we can become a mighty force to bring Jonah home and tear down the corruption seeded within the System.

Episode 39 is Part III of this series which will explain more about why children are targeted for their psychic gifts. #WhereisJonah #AMotherslove #BringJonahHome #DivineJustice #GodWins

To learn more about Jonah’s case, check out these resources:
Jonah Missing Child Case
Right on Radio interview

#childtrafficking #humantrafficking #KamalaHarris #JohnKerry #betrayal #Alabama #Georgia #NorthCarolina #AL #GA #NC #JonahReif #TammyReif

Guest: Tammy Rief, a warrior for justice

Until six months ago I had never heard of black-market adoptions. It sounded like a plot made for the theatre. Sadly I learned this is not theatre and it is happening in our world today. The government black market “adoption” system in the United States takes advantage of single mothers who often don’t know their rights and certainly don’t have the resources to fight powerful people with nefarious intentions. Over 13 million households in the US are single parent households and 80% of those are led by women. What would you do if you were catapulted into a complex legal battle to save your child who had been illegally taken away from you? My guest for this podcast is Tammy Rief, a single mother who had her son stolen 3 times from her, the last kidnapping was in 2012 when he was just 5 years old while visiting Charlotte, North Carolina 4 hours away from their home in Alabama. Living in the tri-state area of Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee, she was betrayed by multiple systems that we have been taught were designed to protect us.

This staggering case will frustrate you, anger you, and most importantly, inspire you as you learn about one woman’s EIGHT year battle to bring her son back home. Did you know over 800,000 children go missing every year in child protective systems? This interview boldly names people at the highest levels of government who are part of these black-market government “adoptions”. The goal of this interview is to raise awareness and ask for your help to bring Jonah home. Never underestimate the power of one individual to change the world.

To learn more about Jonah’s case, check out this video #WhereisJonah #AMotherslove

Episode 38 is Part II of this series which continues the story of why Jonah was targeted and why his rights as an American citizen were ignored – and why it matters to you today.