As the COVID19 crisis rages on, women are becoming increasingly vulnerable to the
economic, medical and personal repercussions of the pandemic. Could more have been done to prepare? Irene Natividad, leader of The Global Summit of Women and the first Asian American women to lead a political
organization, argues “yes.”

In this episode, Kim Faith and Natividad discuss the need for governments and businesses to seek women for positions of power, especially when it comes to preparedness. As the caretakers of the world, women are instinctive planners and
long-term thinkers, yet the American economy is built on instant gratification and short-term gain. Because not enough women are in decision-making roles, they often fall victim to the decisions made by others too focused on short term gains.
With her uniquely global view, Natividad uses her platform to encourage women to become consumers, workers, and most importantly, leaders. Tune in to be encouraged by her wisdom and passion during this uncertain time.

#caretakersoftheworld #womeninleadership #COVID19

See her Linkedin by clicking here


Carol Hamilton – Leadership Strategist, Executive Coach & Feng Shui Guru

In this episode Carol expertly weaves together the ancient wisdom of the east with modern times, during the days of the COVID-19 crisis no less. As millions of people are now working from home, people are rewiring the way they think and live. What message does your space send to you and to others? Are you sabotaging yourself with the new home office you have hastily thrown together and don’t even know it? How do you bring comfort to yourself during these times of change and how do you exercise control over your small corner of the world – even it is simply a home office? Take a walk on the far side and learn more about the ancient art of “space”. Be inspired to discover the power of flow and tap into the power within. Today is an invitation to design the future – don’t allow the opportunity to slip through your fingers.

View her Linkedin here 

Are there unexpected lessons buried within the Coronavirus crisis? Collectively we have been catapulted to the bottom of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs where survival is at the top of everyone’s mind. Yet, there are leaders who are a like beacons of light guiding us through the darkness.  My guest for this episode, Sara Kwan, is one of those lights and she is best known as dangerously creative.   She is a compelling example for an optimistic outlook in times of extreme change and chaos.  A global leader now in the tech industry, she moved to Seattle from NYC seven short weeks ago – with husband and young children in tow.
Be inspired by her tips for thriving while working from home and be reminded of the importance of keeping your sense of humor.  Our conversation will bring clarity to chaos. Sarah’s optimism and outlook will inspire you when you need it most.  Drink it in!
Click here to see her LinkedIn profile.

Candice Thompson, Business Strategist and Founder of the CoBridge Group

Are you investing too much emotional bandwidth into “fixing” yourself? When you look in the mirror, do you see your potential or do you see your flaws? Do you feel isolated in your quest for perfection? Perhaps the truth is that you are not alone and, actually, an important part of a much larger collective story.

In this episode, Kim Faith dives deep into her new book, Your Lion Inside, along with powerhouse and marketing strategist Candice Thompson. Together they discuss how – and why – women are still living by rules that were written without consideration of the female impact, perspective, or even any female input.

The shortcomings we see in the mirror with the way we look, speak and act, are all part of a flawed narrative that the world has given us,” Kim says.

While this narrative is part of our history, it’s unbalanced, and it only represents one side of the equation.”

Kim discusses how throughout her career coaching female professionals, she observed women desperately trying to fit into boxes that were never designed for them. Those boxes were too small and too predictable to fit the magnificence she would see in women!  It’s time to rewrite the narrative and that means taking a close look at those rules that became belief systems.

Kim’s research made her acutely aware of seven prevalent belief systems – mental models – proverbial glasses through which women were commonly seeing the world. These mental models served as the inspiration behind the sisterhood of seven she felt compelled to write about to let women around the world know “You are not alone!”

Tune in to learn more about the sisterhood and become aware of your mental model. Find out how to make intentional, purposeful life choices, and how to discover your power to create the life you were meant to live.

#takeyourpowerback #sisterhoodofseven #rewritethenarrative #thelioninside #mentalmodels

Maria Moraes Robinson, CEO Holonomics (Brazil) Sao Paulo, Brazil

What can wild animals teach us about being human? How can we leverage today’s vast interconnectivity to become better versions of ourselves? In this episode, author and economist, Maria Moraes Robinson, shares her ‘holonomic’ view of the world.

Having grown up in the Pantanal wetlands of Brazil, Maria was able to tap into the wisdom of nature at a very young age. The boundless flora and fauna served as the catalyst to Maria’s understanding of human nature.

In 2014, Maria and her husband wrote about a groundbreaking new world view where economics and ecology are in harmony – holonomics. Their book, Holonomics: Business Where People and Planet Matter uses real-world case studies and practical exercises to guide people toward a more sustainable future where both people and planet matter. What are those qualities unique to women that can provide a significant contribution to this purposeful quest?


Maria offers the insight that the complexity and chaos of today’s world are not to be feared but rather embraced and understood. Our interconnectedness allows us to share our passions, experiences, successes and failures, meaning that we are able to improve who we are as women and as human beings.

“If we open our minds, expand our consciousness and remove judgement, we can have open dialogue and find new ways to evolve together.”

#holonomics #economics #author #readinglist #peopleandplanetmatter #nofear #evolvetogether