Rachel Greedy, Vice President Delivery, Capgemini – United Kingdom, along with her mum, Fran Thackeray
Is it just me or do things just sound better from our British friends?!? Join us in an honest conversation about a wide range of topics, all on women in the modern world. We cover:
- Why is feminism is being rejected by many young women?
- Did 5 red-headed sisters from a time long ago (a ‘fearsome sight!’) really set the stage for family legacy of courage?
- Can awareness really be the key to an entirely new world?
Rachel Greedy, recently promoted to Vice President, and her mum offer insights into things often unsaid between generations. They are funny, sobering, and inspiring. Surprisingly, conversations among women in England are similar to ours in the USA. It’s another reminder that we’re far more alike than different. Rachel shares a passion with me to spread the message of empowerment to women around the world. Can you believe she has shared my book with women in Finland, Denmark, Norway and England? Tune into this #globalsisterhood and be inspired!
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