Guest: Deborra Cameron, Education & Marketing Director of the University of Science & Philosophy, Teacher of Qi Chong, Owner of


The world has changed over the past two years and the world we live in now requires new ways of thinking. Our guest, Deborra Cameron, brings a wealth of wisdom to this podcast conversation. Utilizing her nursing and holistic healing background combined with being a 27 year student of the Russell cosmogony, she offers new insights into how to view the world. She also discusses the importance of “emotional lineage”. Trauma is a multilevel experience that has far reaching consequences; yet we all have the power to overcome.

Inspired by Lao Russell’s vision to have “age of character” clubs for kids, Deborra is picking up where Lao left off as the museum works to bring this noble idea to life with young people in 2022. What does it mean to inspire children to live a life of unity? Is it possible to discover the genius seeded within every child? Can we consider that society has mislabeled our children with things like ADHD thus limiting their true potential? It is time for all things to be reimagined one philosophy, one decision at a time.

Join us for the mindful conversation about balancing the feminine and the masculine, empowering our kids and reimagining a new world for all.


#character #consciousness #laorussell #walterrussell #philosophy #usp #science #energy #healing #spirituality

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