Guest: Tammy Rief, a warrior for justice
Is it possible a deep vein of corruption has been operating around us hidden in plain sight? Can you consider that people have been strategically placed in local, state, and federal positions of power to manipulate and strong arm vulnerable members of society? My guest Tammy Rief brings clarity to those questions as she has been leading an epic international federal legal battle to bring her son home. For eight years she has been fighting to bring him back to America as he has been held internationally against his will – and subjected to ritual and sexual abuse. She has 16 teams across the globe who have joined her in this quest to bring Jonah home. His rights as a citizen of the US – and the rights of his mother -.have been horrifically trampled over and over again. The story is hard enough when you think about it from a mother’s perspective and yet the kidnapping is just the tip of the iceberg.
Tammy had to learn the sobering truth about her “bloodline” which unknowingly catapulted her son Jonah into an international child trafficking ring led by a group of thirteen families with evil intent. Their quest to create pure “bloodlines” has become a century long cover for deviant, illegal, and unconstitutional behavior that has laid the framework for black market adoptions supported by members of the US government and abroad. Whether you call this group the Deep State, Cab-al, or Ill-um-naughty is irrelevant. This interview offers an inside look into the betrayal that Tammy has experienced – a chilling betrayal that could be waiting for our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews.
Please join me in bringing light to the darkness. Together, we can become a mighty force to bring Jonah home and tear down the corruption seeded within the System.
Episode 39 is Part III of this series which will explain more about why children are targeted for their psychic gifts. #WhereisJonah #AMotherslove #BringJonahHome #DivineJustice #GodWins
To learn more about Jonah’s case, check out these resources:
Jonah Missing Child Case
Right on Radio interview
#childtrafficking #humantrafficking #KamalaHarris #JohnKerry #betrayal #Alabama #Georgia #NorthCarolina #AL #GA #NC #JonahReif #TammyReif
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